How A Disconnected Biohealth Ecosystem Became The Next Big Thing

Jeff Galvin, CEO of American Gene Technologies and Rich Bendis, CEO and President of BioHealth Innovation, Inc. have a fireside chat about the rapid evolution of the BioHealth Capital Region.
On the heels of Silicon Valley’s branding as one of the world’s largest tech hubs, the BioHealth Capital Region aims to brand the DMV region as one of the most prominent BioHealth clusters in the Mid-Atlantic. BioHealth Innovation, Inc. was founded 11 years ago in an effort to drive ideas from labs into markets through innovation-driven economic development organizations and initiatives.
Galvin and Bendis discuss the abundance of opportunities for growth within the region as it is home to a wide variety of research institutions, top scientists, and annual grants. Additionally, they discuss how BioHealth Innovation, Inc. cultivates success for companies within the competitive region.
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Rich Bendis is the Founder, President and CEO of BioHealth Innovation, Inc. He is a successful entrepreneur, corporate executive, angel investor, investment banker, innovation and technology-based economic development leader, international speaker and consultant in the technology and healthcare industries. He also serves as the founding President and CEO of Innovation America, a national public-private partnership focused on accelerating the growth of innovation economy in America. He was also the founding Chairman of The Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation and Founder and CEO of Innovation Philadelphia. He was recently asked to serve as the Co-Chairman of the AURP BioHealth Caucus. As one of the most recognized experts in the field of the innovation economy, Mr. Bendis has served on numerous distinguished boards and task forces including the White House U.S. Innovation Partnership Advisory Task Force, the Small Business Innovation Research Committee, the National Association of State Venture Funds Board; State Science and Technology Institute and the Ernst and Young Entrepreneurial Institute as a National/Regional Judge and Entrepreneur of the Year winner. Mr. Bendis has provided global consulting services to over 16 countries and 22 states, several cities and regions, along with international organizations including the United Nations, NATO, UK Trade and Industry, European Commission, French Embassy, the German Marshall Fund, The Canadian Consulate, METI, AKEA, the International Science Parks and Innovation Expert Group and other global entities. Mr. Bendis serves on Governor Hogan's Life Science Advisory Board. He was voted one of the Top 5 Speakers on innovation and creativity, voted 4th best Innovation Blogger, a 2017 most influential Marylander award and a 2017 Maryland innovator of the year award. Mr. Bendis is also the host of the BioTalk podcast series.
Learn more about Rich Bendis:
BealthHealth Innovation (BHI) sources and evaluates market-relevant biohealth intellectual properties, connects the IP with funding, and assists businesses in marketing and growth.
It aims to:
- Increase the flow of private and public early stage capital;
- Develop an active commercialization talent network;
- Facilitate accelerated tech transfer and commercialization of relevant innovations;
- Market and brand the region as a global biohealth leader; and
- Ensure an adequate supply of experienced biohealth entrepreneurs and workers.
For more information on BioHealth Innovation, go to: