Please Help Us Continue Our Quest for an HIV Cure

Phase 2 Clinical Trial Information

Phase 2 Trial: What You Need to Know

  • We’re advancing our groundbreaking HIV cure research.
  • Could statically validate the safety and efficacy we showed in Phase 1 and move this project toward making a cure available.

How Donations Make a Difference

  • Enroll more participants: Your support expands our trial and makes it more statistically powerful when engaging with the HIV research, treatment, and regulatory community.
  • Helps cover rigorous assessments: Lab work, monitoring, and data analysis.
  • Accelerate progress: Every dollar brings us closer to a cure.

Why It Matters

  • Join our historic effort to find an HIV cure.
  • Together, we can offer hope and healing worldwide.

Phase 1 Result Publications

We’ve gathered positive data and shown remarkable data in peer-reviewed scientific publications on TWO clinical trials: the Phase 1 Human Trial and an Analytical Treatment Interruption that demonstrated both safety and efficacy signals.  Both are linked below.